Thursday, January 31, 2019

Preparing for Ford Nationals - Primary Jets & Heat Sleeve

Tonight, I took a few minutes to install some items which arrived from Summit Racing.

The sleeve is made by DEI (part# 010418) and it is a 36" long insulated sleeve that is .5" in diameter which fits perfectly over a 3/8" fuel line.  The jets are size 59 for the primary side of the carburetor (part# 122-59).

The jets were quick and easy to install.  This should finish the jet changes needed.  It is rather late tonight so I'll wait to this coming weekend to check the change with the AFR gauge.

I cut about 10" off the heat sleeve so it would fit the exact length of the fuel line from the carburetor to the metal fuel line which feeds the carburetor.  I have trouble with the engine not wanting to start after driving for a while.  I have a carb spacer to keep the carburetor cooler and though this would be a bit of additional cheap insurance.  I'm not sure it will make a great deal of difference but at $12 dollars I considered it worth it.  

While I was at it, I checked the float level on the front and rear bowls and it is perfect.... ust below the slight plug holes.  

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