Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Preparing for Ford Nationals - Clutch Pedal Rattle

I've tried to figure out the rattle I hear down near the clutch pedal area for a while now.  The noise actually started when I was on my way back from the Goodguys show two years ago.

As I was thinking about it, I considered it might be the lower bolt which holds the bottom of the driver fender.  It was a little lose so I tightened it but doubted it was the cause.  I put my hand on the top of the fender to get up and heard it make a similar noise as the fender was not tight.  If I lightly pushed up an down on it, I could replicate the rattle/squeak noise I've been hearing.  

I searched looking around and realized I never reinstalled the bracket which accepts a fender bolt through the door opening.  I searched the attic and found that I took them off, never cleaned them up, and just threw them in a box.  I stripped them two weeks ago and painted them black.  This is one of them...

The bracket mounts as shown below.  Then a bolt runs through the square hole at the top into a J-clip on a matching bracket which is part of the fender.  This then holds the fender tight so it does not rub or tap against the molding around the windshield which is near touching the fender.  

I've not driven the car again yet to confirm but I'm quite sure now that this was the rattle/squeak noise that I would hear.  

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