I decided to do a bit more work on the new carburetor today after work. I put a vacuum gauge on the engine and planned to set the curb idle and the idle mixture screws. Unfortunately, the car would not start and in checking under the hood, I found the accelerator pump nozzle wasn't squirting. It's strange that I have that same problem with a new carb but the front float is full.
I didn't have any gas sitting around to put down the carburetor so I just keep working the gas and it ultimately started. After it idled a while, I adjusted the curb idle down to 800 RPM. At that RPM, the AFR was 15:1 and the vacuum was at about 11.5 inches. I made sure the choke was off and the engine temp was 180 and backed out the idle screws an 1/8 turn. This raised the vacuum to 12, the RPM increased to 900, and the AFR to 14:1.
I turned the idle screws out another 1/8 turn. The vacuum went up to 13 and the AFR was 13.5 to 1. I didn't adjust the RPM before and it was now at 1,000 RPM. I adjusted the idle screw down to get the idle back to about 850 to continue working on the setup. With this changed, the vacuum was still 13 inches and the AFR was around 13.7:1.
I backed the idle mixture screws out another 1/8 turn (3/8ths in all). This dropped the AFR down to about 13:1, raised the vacuum to near 14, and the idle stayed in the 900 RPM range.
I decided to go further and went another 1/8 (1/2 turn in all). This dropped the AFR down to the 12:1 range. The vacuum went up to 13 and the RPM was about 950. I decided to go back to 3/8 turns out from the original setting and go for a drive.
Strangely, when I went for a drive, the engine was really lean. When cruising, I was at 15-16:1 AFR. I don't really know what changed since the last time. The idle mixture is much more rich so if anything that would have helped. The temperature was about 60 so perhaps that was much different than last time but I can't imagine it having that level of impact. I was however a little low on gas but I can't imagine that doing it either as the float bowl shows as full.
I decided to stop for the moment and came home. Since the engine was now off, I checked the idle mixture screws and found that they were not the same at the start. I adjusted them out 3/8 of a turn. When I checked them, the passenger side (with the 02 sensor) was a total of a 1/2 turn out (1/8 out as a starting point) and the driver side was 5/8 turn out (1/4 turn out as a starting point).
I might need to turn them in an 1/8 turn but I'm going to leave them at this point for now.