Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Power Steering, Master Cylinder, Parking Brake, and More (Part 8)

I found a local company who would tackle the project of welding my new Z-bar. I arrived with all the pieces cut, fit together, and tack welded in place. I picked the Z-bar back the next day and it was very nicely tig welded together. It is rare I have someone help with a car project and leave the experience happy but this was definitely one of those situations.

I painted the piece with some primer and then VHT engine paint that is satin black. I selected the paint as I wanted the part to be satin black and this was the only variant of that color which I could find in a high heat paint. Overall, the paint turned out well but the sheen seems highly dependent on how wet the paint is a applied. It has a bit of a splotchy look but I'm not to worried about it.

I'm quite pleased to have this piece in hand and ready to install. This was a major hurdle for this project.

I contacted OpenTracker today as well and he indicated he would refund my money for the original Z-bar since it did not work out for my application.  I'll be mailing it back tomorrow.

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