Sunday, October 9, 2022

Rear Quarter Panel Ornaments

The rear quarter panel ornaments on my Mustang were painted black when I purchased it.  I don't like the appearance of them when black but had some many items to address initially that changing there color was really low on the priority list.  Over the years, I will think about how I don't like the look of them when black but have become so accustom to the black that I largely don't notice.

A few weeks ago, I noticed a classified listing on the Vintage Mustang Forum for a very good condition set of ornaments which had already been cleaned, primered, and were ready for paint.  I decided to purchase them as coincidentally, I'd just spent time matching up the current paint color and have a can of matching paint.  The ornaments arrived during my power steering project so I set them aside until this weekend.

This weekend, I sanded them down just a little and then put a second coat of some Rustoleum automotive primer on the parts.  I then put a coat of the Duplicolor Intense Blue Pearl (# BCC0422).  The plan is to ultimately top coat with some Spray Max 2K Glamour Clear Coat that I purchased from Summit Racing.  This will be the real test of the match of this particular paint but regardless, they are so small I'm sure it will improve the exterior appearance.

I've not put clear coat on them left as the 2k can will go bad within 24 hours of mixing the components.  I'm considering what else that I might need to paint to take full advantage of the can.  As you can see in the first picture above, I expect I might need to do a bit more work on the color match of the replacement fender.  If this color proves to be a better match, I might end up repainting the fender and front valence with this new paint color and 2k clear coat.

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