Sunday, July 17, 2022

Power Steering, Master Cylinder, Parking Brake, and More (Part 2)

This morning, I continued to disassemble everything needed for the power steering installation, new master cylinder, and the parking brake repairs.  The goal is to get it all taken apart, test fit the new parts, and then start the process of cleaning it up to get it painted for final assembly.

The removal of the steering box was first and proved to be rather challenging.  The last time I removed it I believe most of the engine compartment was removed and it was not a big deal.  This time, I had to remove the steering linkage, driver side header, engine cross member, engine mounts from both sides, the oil filter, and then jack the engine up a few inches.  The steering box and near 4' long shaft them pulled straight out the front between the oil pan and lower control arm mount.  

The new steering box is quite a bit larger than the original.  It uses what is referred to as a rag joint (pictured with the box) and a separate shaft which makes installation and removing it (if needed) later much easier.  The box is so large that many indicate the need to dimple the header or grind off part of the box in order to make everything fit.

My plan is to test fit it all before painting just to see how everything goes together.  I can then make adjustments as needed before anything is cleaned up and painted.  Nothing is better than putting parts you know will fit on a cleaned up and painted car.  As shown in the image below, I've a bit of work ahead of me to get to that point.

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