Monday, August 9, 2010

A Slow Return to the Mustang

I've had personal matters diminsh the importance of working on the Mustang for about five months now. During this time, I've thought very little about the Mustang. I lost all interest in driving the Mustang or doing anything for that matter. While this tough time is not over, my interested in the Mustang has slowly started to return.

The time away from working on the Mustang gives me a little bit of new perspective. I've been watching every dime I've spent on the Mustang since the beginning. I've treated working on the car as something like a job. The goal has been to maintain the budget in case I ever need to sell the car. I've since decided focus on this as a hobby as it is certainly not an investment.

The goal of the restoration remains the same. I want a very clean, well constructed vehicle which offers fun and driving comfort. I should enjoy the car so much I want to drive it every day. Overall, the appearance will be simple and understate. Care need s to be taken in constructing the car so it does not ride or sound as if it were thrown together with little money or attenton to detail.

I'm not sure where I want to start. When I left off on the project, I was ready to start on the floorpan replacement. I could still start at this point but need a gas tank for my welder. I'll also need a significant amount of practice. I plan to put some thought into my next steps and will update this blog again soon with my thoughts.

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