Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Restoration Plan (Part 3)

My wife and I recently found she will need surgery in mid-November. The surgery will leave her immobile until the end of the year. Since we have two young children, much of my time through the end of the year will be spent just managing our daily life. As a result, I'm not sure I can keep my goal of completing this project by January. I don't really mind as I don't believe the weather will permit much driving in January but I'm ready to be done with this phase of the restoration.

I hope to dedicate some time to the project over the next couple of weeks to get past a few parts of the project which require large amounts of dedicated time. After the surgery, I will be limited to projects which I can stop working on at a moments notice. This obviously would not include stripping the subframe or painting the engine compartment. I hope to take care of a few of these projects before the surgery.

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