Monday, March 9, 2009

Patch Panel Welding Complete

Danny came over last night and helped me weld my patch panel for the battery tray and the area in the driver floorboard.

We spent a little over three hours working on the car with most of the effort on the battery tray area. My patch panel was tacked in with a brass plate behind the panel. I then held the plate in place as he moved around placing additional spot welds. Once it was held in place well, I put on my welding helmet and watched him weld. I've only welded once (if you can call it that) so watching someone is helpful.

I grinded off the welds fairly flat every so often and we placed a light under the panel to see if there were any missed spots. After repeating this process a few times, the weld was solid all the way around. It was about this time Danny remembered we had another patch to weld.

Danny quickly welded the next piece in several long bursts. I held a brass plate on the inside of the car while he welded. The plate was incredibly hot and felt like it was burning my fingers through my welding glove. The welds in this area are much, much larger than the other and will be hard to clean up. Danny suggested I leave much of the weld bead alone to ensure it is strong. I'll follow his suggestion and just clean up the welds slightly.

I'm exhausted as I had Jury Duty this morning, worked the rest of the day, and then worked from the moment I made it home until after 9 o'clock.

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